Press & publication

Sali Ariel in the press

SALI ARIEL: Tel Aviv Cityscapes and Intimate Images Paperback – February 11, 2020

Sali Ariel book, art book, Tel Aviv Cityscapes and Intimate Images

SALI ARIEL: Paintings of a Personal Nature Paperback – February 11, 2020

Haaretz: The Jewish Couple That Taught Bob Dylan Hebrew and Introduced Him to Zionism

A Jewish yippie couple videotaped dozens of hours of their famous friend in their late 1960s New York apartment – but alas, they will never be seen again.

Bob Dylan, Sali Ariel
Sali Ariel, sali in her studio

The Jerusalem Post: Sali Ariel: A colorful Israeli artist

While her cartoonist husband may be more famous, her striking paintings have been exhibited around the world.

Bauhaus Center Tel Aviv: 

Sali Ariel: “Tel Aviv Paintings – The City That Never Sleeps Awakens From The War”


HEAPS: ボブ・ディランが心を許したアパートの一室。オフステージのディランと過ごした2年間、ある女性画家の追憶